A Storyteller's Guide to a Grace-Filled Life, Vol II - Book Review

In A Storyteller’s Guide to a Graced-Filled Life – Vol. II , by Tony Agnesi, we get to read 43 additional stories that couldn’t fit into Vol I. As with Vol I, Agnesi’s stories in Vol II make you laugh, cry and leave you wanting more! There is a special spot in my heart for the story, Keith , about a young homeless man, who Agnesi befriended. One day, Tony asked Keith about his goals. Keith told Tony that he had three goals, 1) to find a job, 2) to find housing, and 3) to become Catholic. Well, it was that last goal that tugged at my heart. It would for any Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Coordinator, of which I am one for my parish. This beautiful story ends with us learning that Keith met all his goals. This story made me cry tears of joy! Then there is the story titled, Catholics Come in Many Flavors . In this story, Agnesi describes a multitude of different types of Catholics. You know them. For example, the... Read more...