Lent and My Spiritual Closet

Have you decided yet how you will make the most of this Lenten season that begins today – Ash Wednesday? I find this time of year to be quite cathartic, in that I use it to make things right with God. In essence, I clean out my “spiritual closet.” I look for those things in my life that I want to keep, such as prayer time, good deeds, etc. and find a dedicated place for them in my spiritual closet. Then, I find those areas of my life that need to be tossed – you know – those sins that need to be thrown out. I take them to the Confessional and leave them with God. He knows what to do with them. It’s my way of placing everything in its right order. What’s in Your Spiritual Closet? How will you spend your Lenten season to prepare your soul for sharing in Christ’s Resurrection? What will you do to place everything in right order within your life? Some people like to give up their favorite foods/drink as a sacrifice for our Lord. Others give of themselves to meet the needs of the le...