
Showing posts with the label stained glass

Pentecost Revealed Through Art

When the Holy Spirit inspires artists to create art with, through and in Him, their creations touch our inner selves. They are not only beautiful but also imbued with a mystical essence which gives them spiritual power. continue

Awe Inspiring Stained Glass

St Nicolaaskerk Church, Amsterdam, the Netherlands When light shines through stained glass windows, they can lift our souls up from our own narrow miserable awareness into His Presence as we contemplate them. Light is more powerful than darkness and beautiful colourful glass works of art can touch us with a mystical, heavenly light that moves our hearts and souls towards God. No wonder stained glass windows were crafted in the Middle Ages as a way of teaching illiterate parishioners the basic Christian message and inspiring them to live holy, prayerful lives. CONTINUE

Celebrating the Feast Day of the Holy Family in Images

Celebrating the joy of the Holy Family throughout the ages with icons, stained glass, old masters, sculpture and modern paintings.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception in Stained Glass

Since  Julianne B. McCullagh    has written such a beautiful article on  Feast of the Immaculate Conception , I will just compliment her article with images. Because there are thousands of beautiful paintings, icons and stained glass images which celcebrate our Lady's Immacualte Conception, I need three separate posts. This one is dedicated to stained glass images.

Light Shining

Because we live on earth, in “earthen vessels”, God finds interesting ways to reach our spirits through our senses. That’s why our Sacramental Church use incense, bells, candles, stained glass, icons, statues, holy pictures and holy water, touching our sense of smell, sight, hearing and touch. It is a way of waking up our slumbering spirit buried deep within us. Sacramental and religious art help create a peaceful atmosphere of prayer in our churches. This week, stained glass windows  have captured my attention. When the Holy Spirit inspires artists to create art with, through and in Him, their creations touch our inner selves. They are not only beautiful but also imbued with a mystical essence which gives them spiritual power. When light shines through stained glass windows, they can lift our souls up from our own narrow miserable awareness into His presence as we contemplate them. Light is more powerful than darkness and beautiful colourful glass w...

Stained Glass Angels

Relax and bask in the peace evoked by strong images of angels as the Light of God light shines  through these rich colours.