3 Motivational Quotes (that are hogwash)

Everyone loves a good motivational quote. These little bite-sized mantras have the power to refocus our attention and push us to achieve before unreachable goals. I’ve got one from Winnie the Pooh hanging by my front door, one above my cabinets, one usually on my whiteboard, and one each on my laptop and cell phone wallpapers. Have you heard this one before? “If you want to be a miserable failure, just do what makes you happy.” Yes, you read that right. This opinion piece from a few weeks back got me thinking. It boils down to the fact that while we often tell ourselves and our children to “just do what makes you happy in life”, if you really want to be successful, you need to put in the hard work, get out of bed when you don’t want to, and maybe turn off Netflix next time it asks, “are you still there” instead of continuing the binge of Marvel’s Defenders . Keep reading here