Thank You, Sister Marcy Claudia!

(This post is a repeat of a post I wrote in March.) Today, as we walk this Lenten Camino, let us remember those who influenced us, in a particular way, as Catholics. Then, let us thank God, and if we can, thank them, for their influence in our spiritual development. Let us also remember to reverence the Holy Name of Jesus. I’ll never forget Sister Mary Claudia. She was my first grade teacher at St. Mary’s. She was a Sister of Charity from Cincinnati. Sister Mary Claudia and her fellow sisters wore the full habit. The sides of her face were encased in her wimple and veil. How she could see us, I’ll never know, but she knew what we were going to do before we did it! I remember that she was about 10 feet tall and did not put up with nonsense, at. all. Once, she made me stay in from play during the lunch break for talking when we were supposed to be doing our arithmetic. I didn’t dare tell my mother because I knew the kin...