An Interview with Victor S.E. Moubarak

Wednesday, 3 July 201 Jackie, the creator and founder of this site suggested to me that a male guest writer would add a nice balance. I immeditely thought about the author and blogger Victor Moubarak. He has graciously given me permission to post one of his Fr. Ignatuis articles every Tuesday on Association for Catholic Women Bloggers. This interview is reposted from Victor's blog. Jackie, the creator and founder of this site suggested that another male guest writer would add a nice balance. I immeditely thought of the author and blogger Victor Moubarak. He has graciously given me permission to post one of his Fr. Ignatius articles every Tuesday on Association for Catholic Women Bloggers. This interview is reposted from Victor's blog to give you the background for the upcoming series of posts featuring the delightful and ever wise Fr. Ignatius. TIME FOR REFLECTIONS UBI CARITAS ET AMOR. DEUS IBI EST. Interview with Vic Mouba...