Live the Truth; Come to the Light of Christ

Are you doing things that you prefer would never see the light of day? Things that might bring you shame? Or, do you live the truth, and walk in the light of Christ; where your deeds are worthy of God’s praise? “Whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God” (John 3:21). If you live with shame, then I invite you to live the truth. Come bask in the light of Christ. I invite you to change your ways. Choose to Live the Truth When you do the right thing, with good intentions, then your deeds are good and clearly done in service to the Lord. God has given each one of us a conscience. This conscience informs us of right from wrong. It’s amazing how our consciences speak to us. It’s as if God hard-wired each of us with a rule book, and that rule book is called God’s Natural Law. When we listen to our consciences, we receive error-free advice from the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, we disregard what our consciences tell us. W...