
Showing posts with the label Health & wellness goals

Getting to the New, Healthier You... By Way of Route 66!

So, where you heading? Well, now that we’ve entered into the season of Lent, my attention once again has come back to the matter of ”habit”, especially as I was contemplating our call to enter back  into the “desert” -- to be transformed -- as we now venture into our 40-day journey, full of hope, confident of what lies ahead -- and of where we shall arrive Easter morning. But as a dietitian, my goal for this post is not to focus on actual Lenten practices at this time,   but more-so  to focus here on this matter of transformation as it directly relates to health & wellness [in body, mind, & soul, of course]… which then brings me back to the topic of “habits” – habits that include our way of eating & of moving. After all, our habits also send us on a journey... >> Click HERE to read more about the new & improved rou...