'They looked up to heaven because they looked to Jesus Christ, the Crucified and Risen One.' Sunday Reflections, The Ascension, Year C

The Ascension of Christ Rembrandt [ Web Gallery of Art ] Ascension, Year C The Ascension is celebrated on Ascension Thursday, 26 May, in England & Wales, Scotland. In the USA it is celebrated on Ascension Thursday in the Ecclesiastical Provinces of Boston, Hartford, New York, Newark, Omaha, Philadelphia, elsewhere on Sunday 29 May. In all of these areas Ascension Thursday is a Holyday of Obligation. The Ascension is observed on Sunday, 29 May, in Aotearoa-New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Ireland, Philippines. Readings , (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa) Readings , (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Gospel , Luke 24:46-53 ( English Standard Version Anglicised: India) Jesus said to his disciples: “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness ...