
Showing posts with the label pope Francis quotes

Recipe for Holiness: Ingredient #3 Fortitude

" If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking ." James 1:5   Where I lack the greatest wisdom without a doubt is in discerning the Will of God. There are several factors that block my clearly hearing God speak in my life - primarily my own voice and will are often drowning out God's voice. A very anxious person by nature - I erroneously believe the more of my life I control; the better my life will be. I seem to have this crazy notion that I know better than the creator of the universe what is needed for me to be happy.   God is not in the happiness business - he is in the holiness business.  Paradoxical however,  the more I order my life to holiness - the truly happier I will be. Not the fading worldly happy but a much deeper, "it can't be taken away from you" joy! His ways are always 'different and higher' (Isaiah 55) from any ideas I may hold onto.   I see tomorrow, and the next d...

Recipe for Holiness: Two Parts Courage

Life requires courage.  That is clear in the horrific events of this year - just making the decision to leave our homes can be cause for pause.  In the case of my dear friend from our parish, stabbed in her own home by a random act by a distraught young man , even home doesn't feel safe any longer.  There is illness and accidents; and so much beyond our control that can lead our hearts to ache; and fall into despair and fear.   As a person who has battled anxiety her entire life (actually diagnosed with a 'nervous stomach' at age 9); just watching the news or reading social media can send me spiraling into a panic attack.   So what do we do? Where do we find the courage and strength to get out of bed each morning, to love life and those you are blessed to share it with, and to embrace the promise and hope of an unseen heavenly abode?  ...  read full post on my blog: Reconciled To All rights reserved,  Allison Gingras

Focusing on Pope Francis: Three-Day Quote Challenge – Day 3

“Take note: if the Church is alive, she must always surprise. It is incumbent upon the living Church to astound.” I will never forget the words I heard at the  EASTER VIGIL  on  30 March 2013  during the homily of Pope Francis at the  Vatican Basilica. His words surprised me and gave me a glimpse of his own, inner spirituality. The pope understands Christianity is a vibrant relationship with the Living God. Yes, Catholicism has dogma, teachings, rules with roots back to St. Peter but rules to not define our faith.  A Catholic is a son of God The Father,  a brother to Christ and a person whose constant companion is the Holy Spirit. This is not a static life, a routine of monotonous prayers and ritual. Ritual is merely a way to interact with the Living God who constantly draws us closer to His heart. continue

Focusing on Pope Francis: Three-Day Quote Challenge – Day 1

Since Pope Francis is once again capturing the media’s attention with his visit to Cuba and the United States this week,  my response to this challenge will focus on quotes from the pope. My dilemma will be in choosing only three quotes from a man who embodies  the mercy and love of Christ. Thanks to   Virginia for reminding me to post my blog's first post in the Three- Day Quote Challenge on ACWB. continue