
Showing posts with the label Holy Communion

Is having Jesus in the Holy Host becoming rutine? (Spanish) Corpus Christi: perdido y rescatado en México,

      El mes de junio está consagrado por la Iglesia católica y sus fieles al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y en este mes también tenemos la fiesta del Corpus-Christi.       La fiesta del Corpus.Christi, (El Cuerpo de Cristo) es una fiesta muy antigua y parece que se introdujo en las festividades de la Iglesia en el siglo XIII.       La tradición cuenta que una visión reveladora del Señor demostró su deseo a la religiosa Juliana Retiné de dar comienzo a esta fiesta y una comisión encargada por el obispo   de Lieja, Bélgica, la aprobó y en 1246 se ordenó su celebración en la diócesis. El Papa Urbano IV, con la Bula Transiturus del 11 de agosto de 1264, decretó fuese fiesta universal del Santísimo Cuerpo de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. EL Papa Clemente V y el Concilio de Viena, confirmaron la fiesta y tuvo una rápida propagación y un inmenso movimiento de piedad en todo el mundo.

A Priest Saved My Life Tonight

The Priest says,  "...This is my body." And it is.   "...This is my blood."  And it is. It is His body and His blood,  He  is truly present. How can I describe what this feels like to be present when the Priest sets down the Eucharist on the altar after this moment. . If one could be in the center of a...... TO READ MORE - CLICK HERE!

Vision of Eucharist (Part I)

It's time. This is what I saw.  The words underneath the vision of the Eucharist is what I heard.  A man's voice, gentle, but with authority to it that you did not question.  Now the history.... TO READ MORE CLICK HERE.

Holy Tuesday: Reflecting on Christ Alive

This Holy Tuesday morning I drove to the Carmelite Nuns Monastery in Georgetown for daily Mass.  It's a good 25 minute drive from where I live, and I had hoped not to be late.  I arrived at my destination with 5 minutes to spare. Not only did I wish to attend Mass, but I also hoped that the Nuns had posted their Triduum schedule.  They had.  Now I can look forward to attending their Holy Week liturgies.  I have done so in previous years.  The Monastery has a public chapel where visitors attend Mass while the Nuns have their own chapel to the left side of the sanctuary.  Their chapel is separated from the sanctuary by a grill.  You might enjoy looking at the chapel photos on the Nuns website, here . The daily Mass is not too different from daily Mass at a parish, but the atmosphere in the chapel is, in my opinion, quieter, as there are fewer people present, and those who are observe great reverence.  At communion time, the...