Kindness Has No Restrictions

Want to feel free? As light as a feather? Then consider performing random acts of kindness. When we perform good acts, we feel energized, happy and blessed. We feel light as a feather! This week, we celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week. Yet, kind acts shouldn’t occur only during this week. Kindness has no restrictions. If we just open our eyes, or read our Facebook news feed, we see countless acts of kindness expressed toward others. It’s time to get off the sidelines and get in the game of performing acts of kindness. It’s easy! Here’s just a few suggestions, of which I am sure that you will come up with many more: Say some prayers for all those who are sick and/or in need. Visit the elderly and give them your full attention. Actively listen to them talk. Offer to babysit, for free, so that a relative or friend can have a respite. Smile at strangers, as you walk down the street, and see what happens in return. Be Christ-like in all that you do. See Why Kindness Has No R...