"We must live life beautifully": Mother Teresa calls us to mercy

© 1986 Túrelio (via Wikimedia-Commons), 1986 / Lizenz: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA-2.0 de It's fitting that the anniversary of Mother Teresa's speech upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize falls during the week we begin to celebrate a Jubilee Year of Mercy. Her call is as clear and relevant today as it was a generation ago. "Just get together, love one another, bring that peace, that joy, that strength of presence of each other in the home, and we will be able to overcome all of the evil that is in the world. Love begins at home. If we all look into our own homes, how difficult we find it sometimes to smile at each other. That smile is the beginning of love. Make time for each other in your family." Read more at Leaven for the Loaf .