Remembering 9/11, Thirteen Years Later
Our oldest son was a senior in high school on September 11, 2001. In his valedictory speech on his graduation day in June of 2002, he mentioned the tragic event that forever scarred the hearts of all Americans. In part, here is what he said: ...this year we looked on in disbelief on September 11th as innocent lives were taken by the evil of terrorism. The pain we felt...was acute, but strength is often forged in the fires of misfortune...through the 9/11 tragedy, I hope, we learned to respect and protect life, every human life. It is this that our society needs most today. Our society's moral values have been in a downward spiral for quite a while, and this trend shows no sign of getting better unless there is a change in the way we think. At the heart of this moral decline is a cheapening of human life. Pope John Paul II has called this the "Culture of Death." Choices on...