Experiencing Doubt? Seek Confidence in God

When I speak of seeking confidence, I am not referring to confidence in anything humanity has to offer. Confidence in one’s own abilities is fleeting. Any confidence one might have in others is subject to disappointment as a result of selfishness. Instead, I suggest that we all need to seek confidence in God. So, when you experience doubt, confusion, and distress, seek confidence in what God can do for you. God is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipresent (ever present). Our Lord knows what is best for you and has the power to make things happen for you. He knows your future, and what you need. Also, He never leaves your side. He walks the journey with you, guiding you, comforting you, and giving you confidence in His abilities. God gives us everything we need to fulfill His plan for us. Seek Confidence I experience my own doubts, confusion and distress. For example, a family member recently told my husband and me that she has cancer. Such a diagnosi...