Do You Have Zeal for Christ?

Do you have zeal for Christ? Let’s find out! Do you express a sense of enthusiasm, coupled with intense interest and passion for God and your faith? Do you place God and your faith above all else? Is it within your nature to do big things in the name of Christ? When you see a need, do you do all that you can to fill that need for others? Do You Have Zeal for Christ? If you can answer “yes” to the questions above, then you are zealous for Christ. If not, then there is some work to do, if you want to master the virtue of Zeal. To gain more enthusiasm and passion for God and your faith, spend time learning about your faith. A good place to start is with your parish’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) sessions. It is here that your fellow parishioners teach the faith to those wishing to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church. Fellow parishioners are always welcomed to join in and participate. And while there, you will learn more than a thing or two ...