
Showing posts with the label truthfulness

Lying is Exhausting!

  Have you ever told a lie, only to find the need to tell an additional lie to cover for the original lie? Such lying gets out of hand and becomes exhausting. Why? Because with lie after lie, you need to keep remembering the story you concocted, and it becomes difficult to not conflict your current story with previously told stories. Whereas, with Truth, there is no need to cover up. You tell the facts, as they are, with no change needed to your story. So, the truth sets you free (John 8:32)! Lying Gets You into Trouble Nothing good comes from lying. Eventually, the truth catches up with you. When that happens, you lose the respect and trust of others. It takes a lifetime to build respect and trust, but only takes one lie, to tear it all down. Lying is not worth it. Embrace Truthfulness So, how can you better embrace truth? Here are a few suggestions: Read more...

Tired of the Lies? Seek Truthfulness!

Anyone who knows me well, knows never to lie to me. When someone lies, and the truth comes out, trust is broken; sometimes irreparably so. For me, I cannot trust someone who I know is a liar. Habitual liars are the worst. I think they get to a point where they cannot discern Truth if they tried. Yet, these folks exist, and we must deal with them. It’s because of the habitual lies, that we must question everything that comes out of their mouths to discern objective truth. We must seek truthfulness. Since President Trump took office, he has told more than 12,000 documented lies! That’s more than 12 documented lies, per day, on average! Now, that’s a habitual liar. I do not trust him. His perpetual violation of the Eighth Commandment is something to be concerned about regarding our very safety, as his lies impact national security. His lies exhaust me; for every lie told, requires us to seek the objective truth to counter each lie.  I’m tired of the lies. Seek Truthfulness L...

Excuse Me! When Did Lying Become Morally Acceptable?

I’m the type of person that treasures truth. Therefore, if I learn that a person has lied to me, I tend to lose all respect for the person. My husband and I discussed this very topic early on in our courting relationship. After 38 years of marriage, I can say that being truthful with each other is what held us together. There have been times when the truth was painful, but my husband knew that lying would result in worse consequences. So, it is in the sharing of truth, that we have stayed together, through the good times and the bad. Lying Breeds Mistrust It is through the sharing of the truth that trust is built. A marriage without trust is not a good marriage; just as any relationship, without trust, is not a good relationship. It takes a lifetime to build a relationship based upon truth and trust. Yet, it takes only five minutes and one lie to smash it all to smithereens! Read more...

What's the Prudent Thing to Do? You Decide - Take the Test!

In this scenario, determine the prudent thing to do: Johnny, a high school student, was in the process of applying to colleges. He had his heart set on attending State University, as it had an excellent mathematics program. One problem though, the school requires an essay on how Johnny would make a positive impact on the university community, should he be accepted. Johnny wanted to major in math because he hated writing essays. Math is numbers, and Johnny was good at numbers; but not so good, when it came to writing essays. A Prudent Course of Action? Johnny’s friend, Matt, stopped by one afternoon after school, and Johnny let Matt know about the essay requirement. Johnny also knew that Matt was a good writer, as he was editor for the school’s newspaper. Johnny thought, maybe Matt could help me with the essay . Better yet, maybe ... Read more...

Honesty: Where Does It Really Get You?

How do you want to be perceived by others? Do you want to be perceived in light of honesty and trustworthiness? I’m sure the answer is yes; who wouldn’t want to be perceived in such a manner? Well, to be considered honest and trustworthy, you have to be honest and trustworthy in your words and actions. Even con men get found out sooner or later; so deception will never win the day for you. So, “everyone lies,” you say? Even if that were true, does that give you the right to lie? Just because everyone else does it, does that make it morally right for you? The answer is “no!” For 36 years, I was a banking professional; more specifically, for 23 of those 36 years I was an auditor for a few banks. Therefore, I know what it feels like to be lied to by an audit client. It’s amazing... Read more...

Lie: The Unforeseen Consequences of Lying

Do You Lie? The Unforeseen Consequences of Lying How easy it is to lie, sometimes for convenience; sometimes to hide bad behavior or embarrassment. When we lie, we begin traveling down a slippery slope. The more we lie, the further we move away from God. Lying easily becomes a nasty habit, a vice, a habitual sin. Lies lead to destruction of relationships with others, but most importantly, it deteriorates the relationship we each have with God. Rather than facing the truth, we see ourselves as we want to, and not as we truly are, in all reality. We even tend… Read more...

Truth Be Told! Is There Any Other Way?

Truth be told Is there really any other way to live? I mean, really, live? When we fail to tell the truth, we deaden ourselves. We move away from the Light of Christ and we move towards the Prince of Darkness. We move from the true good to the absence of God in our lives. So, I ask you again, is there really any other way that you would want to live, other than with the fullness of Truth? Truth Defined Truth is defined as living an upright life, both in action and speech, tactfully and with kindness. God is... Read more...