Would You Have Believed? (#RisenMovie)

A Reflection based on the movie Risen ... Halfway through our viewing of the movie Risen ( DVD available May 24th ) - my husband, Kevin, turned to me and said; "Do you ever wonder what you would have believed if you were there during the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus?" While it is impossible to know how exactly I have believe, there is way too much hindsight and history behind my contemplation - I am very certain I would have been like Nicodemus . The one who was curious, sensed there was something to what this man was preaching, and followed him in secret; however in the end, after all he had heard and witnessed, was truly convinced Jesus was the Messiah. If 2000 years later, this is who I am, why would I have been any different if it was unfolding before my very eyes. Read more and view exclusive movie content All Rights Reserved, Allison Gingras 2016