Deaths of Two More Columban Priests

Fr Aodh Eamonn O'Halpin 31 January 1934 - 2 April 2022 Please pray for the soul of Fr Aodh Eamonn O'Halpin who died peacefully in our nursing home here in Ireland last Saturday, 2 April. He spent the early years of his missionary priesthood in Mindanao, Philippines, and later worked in Ireland before spending many years on mission in Britain. The name 'Aodh', an old Irish name sometimes used as an equivalent for 'Hugh', is pronounced like the letter 'A' in the English alphabet. Father Aodh's obituary is on the website of the Columbans in Ireland here . The Deer's Cry (St Patrick's Breastplate) Sung by Rita Connolly In his will Father Aodh asked that this be played at his funeral. Fr Daniel O'Gorman 4 March 1932 - 3 April 2022 Father Dan worked for many years in Korea, arriving there in 1957 when it was still devastated after the Korean War. In his latter years in Ireland he was of great help to Columbans who were sick until he himself ...