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Catch up on my past posts on Being Catholic ... Really, and

I've been busy writing, so I hope you'll take the time to read some past posts from my home web site, Being Catholic ... Really My post, "I wanted to spend this summer as if it was my last," won best photo gallery in September, so I'm very proud of that one.  There's a variety of posts about a lot of different topics including politics and the adoption of two members of our family , just to single out a few. There's also a book review of Colleen C. Mitchell's book, "Who Does He Say You Are?    This is a wonderful book that's perfect to leave out when you want to just concentrate on one particular chapter.  I loved Colleen's insights into the twelve women of the Bible.  "The woman crippled by a demon" really spoke to me and you can find that article on . I also write for  so if you're not too sick of my ramblings, I hope you'll stop by there, too. I must admit, since quitting my jo...

The Feast of Saint Martha and my new job

I’ve made some changes in my life recently or should I say the Lord made some changes in my life. I  quit my job  which allowed me to  attend daily Mass  (something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time). It has also allowed me to get in the habit of writing every day. Sometimes I just make notes in a small notebook about the readings at Mass or what the priest had to say and other times it turns into whole blog posts. Every once in a while it’s a random idea that I jot down. Of course, if I don’t write it down immediately, well … some of you know how that goes. You can read the full article here .

My Summer Resolutions

Most people make New Year’s Eve resolutions, but I’ve started making summer resolutions. Mary Schmich, of the Chicago Tribune, wrote an article entitled,  “Making the Most of Summer Requires Resolution.”  I have found the older I get, the more I look forward  to summer . You can read the article here .

Four things to do this Lent

What are you doing for Lent? Every year I try to do something a little different to make my Lenten experience more meaningful. This year, I decided  I was going to get fit  and I returned to an exercise routine I had given up. I know that doesn’t sound very spiritual, but when I feel better physically, it does help my prayer life. You can read the rest at Catholic365 .

33 Days to Morning Glory

33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael E. Gaily, MIC (on  Amazon  and at  Barnes & Noble ) is a do-it-yourself retreat to prepare for your Marian Consecration. Why consecrate yourself to Mary? As I read the introduction to this book, it is the pathway for all of us to become saints. Please read the rest at  and join us at Being Catholic ... Really on Facebook for the discussion of the book!

The Seven Reasons Why I Go To Church

I see a lot of articles on the (insert number) reasons people don’t go to their Catholic Church, so I thought it was time for an article on the seven reasons why I do go to church. To read the reasons, you can go to .

My Sleeping Saint Joseph Statue

This past March I came across this  article  about Pope Francis’ Sleeping Saint Joseph statue. I posted the picture and article on my  Being Catholic ... Really Facebook page  and everyone just about lost their minds! “Where do I get one?,” everyone asked. So the search was on and I contacted several Catholic gift stores. No one knew what I was talking about or if they did, they had no source for the statue. To find out how and where I got my statue, you can read the rest at  My Sleeping St. Joseph Statue .

Rediscovering My Own Catholicism

To celebrate the first day of my vacation, I went to one of my favorite restaurants for breakfast. Before my food arrived, I took out  Matthew Kelly's book, Rediscover Catholicism   and started to read. Unfortunately, I was on the chapter about fasting. Oops! You can read the rest of the article at .

Looking for Catholic writers

Image  is looking for Catholic writers and bloggers to contribute. If you or someone you know write from a Catholic perspective consistent with the Magesterium of the Catholic Church, then we want to talk to you. Visit us at http:// to see what types of articles we publish. If interested email us at or get more info at http:// company/ WriteForCatholic365/