Biases Contradict Disinterestedness

When we stay entrenched in a specific point of view, many times it is because our biases contradict disinterestedness. The virtue of disinterestedness calls for us to assess situations and/or perform actions without biased motives. Jurors, for example, are called to places their biases at the door and act with objectivity; to be open to listening to all the facts, forming an impartial decision on guilt or innocence. Biases Contradict Disinterestedness in the United States As citizens of the United States, we entrench ourselves in our camps of liberal and conservative, with a virtual 50/50 split. The biases embraced by both sides inhibit us all from seeing God’s objective truth. As citizens, we fail to listen to the facts; the objective truth. Instead, we spin the truth to meet our previously conceived opinions. By doing so, we embrace moral relativism and diverge from objective truth. As individuals, and as a country, we need to ... Read more...