Share What You Have with a Spirit of Generosity

God created this world, and all that it offers, for the benefit of everyone, and not for a select few. This concept actually has a name: The Universal Destination of Goods. Its underlying meaning is that “created goods goes hand-in-hand with the moral obligation to help those in need.” 1 Therefore, it is important to share with others what you have in the spirit of generosity. Spirit of Generosity We’ve heard it all before, “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” What does that result in? It results in income inequality, and a greater divide amongst the members of society. Do you think that God placed you on this earth to see how much money you could accumulate? Or, did He place you here, to see how much toilet paper you could hoard? I think not! If we were to calculate riches based upon the number of virtues you could master, then we’re talking about what is important to God. Developing a spirit of generosity would be a good place to start. If we all ma...