Vice or Virtue, Slavery vs. Obedience – What’s Your Choice?

Today’s first reading from Romans 6:12-18 speaks to the heart of whether we choose vice or virtue to guide us in this life. When we walk towards vice, or sin, we become slaves to sin. We lose our freedom, because the sin rules our life; very similarly to an addiction. Think about how a drug addict will do anything to get the next fix. Sin and vice have that same kind of hold on a person. So, the question is, do you want to be a slave to sin, or might you prefer moving in the opposite direction? Obedience vs. Slavery: What’s Your Choice? God and sin are polar opposites, because God is all good and sin is all evil. So, when we turn our backs on sin, we move 180 degrees toward God. When we turn toward God, we reject sin. We opt for obedience to God, the Supreme Good, because we want that goodness. To get that goodness, we choose to obey God’s commands. We willingly embrace virtue! We choose to... Read more...