
Showing posts with the label #Wisdom

A Prayer for Wisdom

How Often Do We Think to Turn to God for Wisdom? Lord, There are things in this world that clearly perplex me. Illness, Death, Poverty Just to name a few. There are things to surprise and delight me as well. There I need your guidance on which you have for me and to know my limits. Generous are your ways, it is clear you hold nothing back except for that which is not for my best. For YOU know the plans you have alone for me.

10 Minute Daily Retreat: Spiritual Gift of Wisdom Reflection 5

How many times do we find our minds being 'unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind'? (James 1:7) Do you have a mentor in your life who will calmly tell you to go away and 'pray about it'? Sometimes I find that response infuriating. I can't hear myself think, let alone sit still and listen for the voice of God. Yet God 'is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask him.' (James 1: 5) Read More:

10 Minute Daily Retreat: Spiritual Gifts; Wisdom

I'm working on a  new novel and I've struggled to understand the fundamental motivation of one of my own characters. I know what  he wants, but not why. I've had to 'interview' him virtually non-stop for over a week. While I walked, drove, cooked, stared into the computer…I've felt like shaking him, 'why? Why do you desire this goal? It's a crazy goal, but you desperately want it. Why?' You and I desire  many things; a healthy body, a successful novel, recognition in the workplace, a stable income, loving relationships. None of these are bad. Many of these God desires for us. Wisdom is knowing  that if our fundamental desire is for God, He knows best which of these desires He will satisfy. 'Seek first the kingdom of heaven, and all these will be given you.' Matthew 6:33

10 Minute Daily Retreat: The Gift of Wisdom Reflection 3

Wisdom Reflection by Malcolm Davies I've spent many working hours traveling around the country, waiting in airports. The most powerful experiences of prayer were facing the rising sun out of the windows at Adelaide airport. Those opportunities opened me to the gift of Wisdom - the integration of spirit and flesh. The one who gets wisdom loves life; Proverbs 19:8 Excerpt from:

10 Minute Daily Retreat: June - Gift of Wisdom

Who doesn't enjoy  a beautiful wedding? Our senses are delighted with music, food, flowers, the colours and textures of fabrics, the transforming impact of hairstyles and makeup and the elegance of jewellery. Our spirit is lifted by the palpable joy between the couple. Like any event, weddings  don't just happen.  Hours of hard work, negotiation - conflict management - and careful planning have set the scene. My own wedding preparation was no different. When we requested a non-traditional hymn in the church repertoire, the musician obliged, but not before muttering, 'that's an odd choice of song for a wedding.'

10 Minute Daily Retreat: 7 Months, 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

I recently received the gift of tickets to see Andre Rieu. The concert isn’t scheduled for another six months so I've stored the tickets away until I need them. Imagine if I lose them! Or if I forget I even had them! I will never experience the true joy the gift was intended to bring me. Nor could I genuinely show appreciation to my generous gift giver. God has provided us with spiritual gifts with which to live the spiritual life. Over the next 7 months, the 10 Minute Daily Retreat will reflect on 7 of these gifts; one every month. In June, we will reflect on the gift of Wisdom. 'Don't turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you. Love her, and she will guard you.' Proverbs 4:6 Join us on our journey! Reflections can be sent by email. Details on: 10 Minute Daily Retreat Blog