We are all wounded.

Look carefully and you’ll notice that, to a greater or lesser degree, we’re all wounded. At different times in our lives, through disappointments, rejection, betrayals, maybe through losses, mistakes, poor judgments, failures and broken dreams. Some of us hide our wounds better than others, but none of us are spared from being wounded. It's not something any of us can escape. Life wounds us all. Wounding can take many forms. Some of us have been damaged in childhood, bullied or abused at home or in school, maybe trying to rise above harsh words or unrelenting criticism from parents or peers, that in itself, erodes self confidence and leaves its own scars. Then later in life through a series of unhealthy relationships and poor choices, we find ourselves insecure and unable to reach out and reconcile, make peace with the past so we can move on. Finding it difficulty to love and trust and feel confident enough to let people into...