Resisting Happiness, by Matthew Kelly - Book Review

I cannot thank my brother Ed, enough, for gifting me with Resisting Happiness , by Matthew Kelly. This book was a real eye-opener for me! As human beings, we naturally resist happiness, and when we do so, we resist God, the source of all happiness. “ Why do we resist God? Because deep down we don’t trust Him…deep down we think that God is trying to limit our freedom ” (p. 214). Kelly tells us throughout the book that we need to become “the best version of ourselves.” How do we do that: by stopping the resistance. Throughout the book, Matthew Kelly shows us how we can find happiness by tackling our urge to be resistant. Let me share with you just two golden nuggets, gleaned from reading this wonderful book, that I believe will make me happier – just a couple of things I can do to fight the resistance to be happy. Idea #1: Prioritize Your Life in Accordance with God’s Plan Matthew Kelly comments in the book that when he conducts his various speaking engagements, he comes across...