Happy New Year or Happy Old Ways? A choice to be made...

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. With every new year, as with every new day, we receive a new beginning. With this new beginning, Jesus invites us to transform our lives; to move away from sin and to move towards happiness. So, how do we answer this invitation? Do we have good intentions, yet somehow, our chains of sin don’t allow us to break free? Alas, we succumb to continuing our sinful ways. Every new day begins unsullied, with hope. Yet, somehow, we seem to mar it with snide remarks, untruths, unjustified anger…and the list goes on. We are a sinful people, and God knows that. Yet, He still loves us, unconditionally! I Choose Happy New Year! So, on this New Year’s Day, when we all make resolutions, here’s mine: I promise to look to each new day with hope; to see God’s presence in my everyday life. Whether it be in the face of my husband, or the kindness of the grocery store clerk, I will set my sights on Christ. I will shed the old ways...