A Soldier Surrenders - Book Review

Susan Peek has a knack for bringing the lives of obscure saints to the forefront. For example, in Saint Magnus, the Last Viking , she took us on a swashbuckling adventure. Today, Peek enthralls us with A Soldier Surrenders, the Conversion of St. Camillus de Lellis . In this action-packed adventure, we follow the life of Camillus de Lellis, mercenary for the Turks, and a baptized Catholic! We see contradiction from the start. How can a Catholic fight Catholics on behalf of the Moslems? You can, if you are hungry and have no other means to support yourself. Camillus de Lellis is a strong-willed, and stubborn young man, who thinks that all he can do is fight, gamble and drink excessively. Why would God want anything to do with the likes of Camillus de Lellis? Well, apparently, God has other designs. Things happen throughout Camillus’ life, that we only come to understand why, when... Read more...