
Showing posts with the label Saint John Paul II

The beauty of women through Saint John Paul´s II eyes (Spanish) LA MUJER A TRAVÉS DE LOS OJOS DE SAN JUAN PABLO II EL GRANDE

Ya próxima la proclamación de Juan Pablo II como santo de la Iglesia Católica, ha llevado a muchos a recordar lo que este Papa dejo a millones de personas a lo largo y ancho del planeta. Con una personalidad de comunicador nato y una energía que lo impulso a recorrer el mundo para llevar el mensaje de Cristo, tuvo la gracia de hacer sentir a cada individuo el Amor personal de Dios. Fiel a las enseñanzas de Jesús y de su Iglesia,   Juan Pablo II dedico muchos de sus escritos, sermones, esfuerzos y preocupaciones a temas clave del siglo XX. Contrario a lo que muchos pueden pensar sobre la postura misógina de la Iglesia Católica, uno de los temas recurrentes en su Pontificado fue la mujer. Y esto lo podemos ver concentrado en uno de sus documentos que sigue siendo actual: Mulliréis Dignitatem Esta Carta Apostólica principia recogiendo los esfuerzos de la Iglesia desde tiempos Conciliares, y aun anteriores, por abordar el tema de la dignidad de la mujer , siempre subrayando la im...

The Catholic Church has two new saints

The Catholic Church has two new saints!  No other time in the Catholic Church's history have two Popes been canonized.  Not only that, but the canonization was witnessed by the retired Pope Benedict XVI. Sainthood is one of those things that I've always felt happened to other people.  In reality sainthood is for everyone.  We should all be striving to become saints within our own lives. You can read the article here at Being Catholic ... Really .

Saint John XXIII and Saint John Paul II Canonization Highlights

Canonization Mass Photo Credit: Associated Press 4:00AM. I grimaced when the alarm went off. I'm an early riser, generally up and at my desk by 5:30AM, but 4:00AM on a Sunday is a bit extreme, even for me. However, as a JPII kid (he became Pope when I was 11 years old), I felt compelled to watch his canonization live, much in the same way that I rose in the middle of the night 9 years ago to watch his funeral Mass. That day was one of great sadness at the temporal loss of a man who I viewed as my spiritual Papa - today, however, is a day of great joy and victory as our beloved Papa, along with Pope John XXIII, is recognized by the church as one of her great saints! Here are some of the parts of the canonization Mass that touched me the most.