Facebook for Christ

FACEBOOK FOLLOW FRENZY! Our ACWB Facebook page is not well known. Come visit and add your link to our community. We fill our own feeds with awesome Catholic blogs AND grow our own FB pages as well!? Add your page, as we have so many new members to meet...... The how-to: 1 In a comment box below, type @ and then your page name, which will pop up, similar to when you tag a fr iend. This way we need only hover over the comment to see the blog page appear in a bubble and "like" it. 2. Like all pages in comments above and below you and "like" the comment as well. 3 Don't link and run...please revisit this thread in days to come to like more pages that are added. Enjoy discovering new Catholic blogs and thanks for participating! OUR FACEBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/associationofcatholicwomenbloggers When you put your facebook URL in comments, this is what will pop up