Hang in There with Perseverance

You know that person – the one who is “tough as nails.” That person never gives up. He or she seems to have an ability to endure anything, whether it be a serious illness, a divorce, a job loss, a financial crisis, a death in the family – anything. Therefore, through all the trials and tribulations, this person continues to persevere. How so? Well, in addition to Perseverance, he or she starts off with a few other virtues under his/her belt. Fortitude enables a person to be strong; to endure without fear; to act with courage in addressing the problem. Patience allows the person to wait long periods of time for the desired result. Faith gives the person the strength and peace to believe and trust that God has everything under control. Confidence in God’s omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence, along with confidence in Jesus’ promise of salvation should place everything else into perspective. With these virtues in hand, perseverance comes much more easily. Read more...