Show a Little Kindness, Because It Goes a Long Way

You may think that “sheltering in place” inhibits you from performing acts of kindness. How can you be kind when you are trying to stay away from people? Well, the very act of staying away from others is an act of kindness. You place the welfare of others ahead of your own needs and wants. That shows a little kindness to others. However, there are additional ways to show a little kindness to others while maintaining the social distance requirements. Ways to Show a Little Kindness Here are just a few ideas for you to consider. I’m sure that you will creatively come up with a few of your own. I invite you to share your ideas in the comments section. When taking a walk, in your neighborhood, give your neighbors a wave to say hello. Call that friend, or relative, that you haven’t spoken to in a while and catch up each other. E-mail friends, neighbors and family, remembering... Read more...