Courage is Needed, Just to Leave the House

With so many states reopened for business, defying the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines, one must take caution when leaving the home. The Coronavirus has not retreated. It waits, in hiding, ready to ambush us. Until we have a reliable means for treatment, or a vaccine, we risk illness, or possibly death. The question is: How much risk are you willing to take? For my husband and me, we are in the high risk group, as we are both over 60 years of age. Therefore, for us, courage is needed, just to leave the house. Courage is Needed My husband and I are not alone. Like many others, the extent of our new routine is a weekly trip to the grocery store, the post office (after hours), and our Church Office to drop off our donations in the mail slot. We keep our interactions with others to a minimum. So, for us, our greatest and only exposure is when we venture on these three weekly trips. Yet, all essential workers are at risk every day. For them, courage is needed consistentl...