Works of Mercy Bouquet: Bury the Dead

They are dead and we rejoice in that shred of hope that at least they can commit no more atrocities against humanity. However, part of me always wonders, what were their last thoughts? Did they have children, a wife, siblings, friends? Even in a radical, militarist society, their mothers must weep knowing they are gone. Surely, even with a mission from Allah, they will be missed. Even if they aren't, they were all infused with immortal souls at conception, they were blessed by the LORD and their lives were planned before eternity began. Yes, they have turned against God. Yes, they have sinned against their fellow man, taking innocent lives and creating fear in a cloud of evil and destruction. But, do we not all sin? Does it not grieve the Father when we speak harshly to our brother or child, when we react selfishly and refuse to focus on the other? Are we any more deserving of mercy because our sins have not become internat...