Give Thanks This Thanksgiving - Join Me in Showing Gratitude

I can’t believe that another holiday season is upon us! This year just zoomed past me. Yet, I have much to be thankful for this year. On this eve of Thanksgiving, I give thanks for: Each of you, for your support and friendship. May God bless every one of you. My loving husband of 38+ years. May we have many more together. Good health for both my husband and me. We had a health scare earlier this year, but God is good, and all is well. May we all continue to be in good health. The opportunity to serve as RCIA Coordinator for my parish. What a blessing to be able to share the faith with people who really want to have a close relationship with Jesus. We have seven women going through the program, with the hope of entering into full communion with the Catholic Church at Easter. Please keep them, and me, in your prayers. A roof over my head, clothes on my back, shoes on my feet, and food on my table. God provides! Sometimes, I don’t know how He does it, but He does it! ...