Are You Sometimes Careless? Then Embrace Diligence!

Do you sometimes act, without considering the consequences? Or might you sometimes say something offensive, without thinking of the other person’s feelings? Do you rush to complete tasks, just to get them done, with little thought to how well they get done? I think we could all answer “yes” to these questions, if not consistently, then at a minimum, at least occasionally. When we act, or say something, inappropriate, when we don’t care about an outcome, we exhibit carelessness. The antidote: Embrace diligence! Embrace Diligence With diligence, we think before we act. We evaluate the consequences and determine the best course of action. We seek a positive outcome that will be beneficial to all parties. Why? Because we care about the other person involved. When we embrace diligence, we take care to think before we speak. I wish I had known about this virtue back when I worked in banking. I remember being at a meeting where a question was asked of the team, and I did not th...