Our Lady's Image - Veiling Series
Happy Tuesday All, I hope your day is blessed. I wanted to invite you all to participate in a Veiling Series on my blog. There is a new lady telling her veiling story every Tuesday. We hope to have a husband or two and a Priest or two also participate. Additionally, there are many kinds of head coverings that are being spoken about. If you are discerning wearing a head covering or you already wear one, you will love this series. The Introduction to Our Lady's Image is here: Our Lady's Image, An Introduction So far, I have told my story: Our Lady's Image, My Veiling Story Karen Zenti has told her story: Our Lady's Image, Karen's Veiling Story Mae Lacy has told her story: Our Lady's Image, Mae Lacy's Veiling Story AND - today, Lily Wilson Beck has told her story: Our Lady's Image, Lily's Veiling Story Next Tuesday there will be a new story told. Each story is original to the series (meaning we've all told our stories before but these ...