Finding Goodness in a Divisive Society

We live in such a divisive society, here in the United States, and around the world. Satan is hard at work pitting us against each other. He wants us to forget that we all come from the same Supreme Being. As adults, why is it so easy for us to quickly notice the differences of others, rather than common ground? We weren’t like that as children. When we were young, we simply played with anyone who would play with us. We found common ground in the love of “play,” in toys shared, and in having fun together. We need to find that goodness, once again – this time as adults. Finding goodness in a divisive society can be a challenge, but only if we let it. It all starts with our own attitude. Do we trust others, until they prove themselves untrustworthy, or is it the other way around? For example: Do others need to “prove themselves” in your eyes before you will trust them? If so, then you are looking for the “difference.” Do you follow the golden rule and treat others as you would li...