Infinity over Infinity or why Jesus Has to be God.

To understand why Jesus has to be God, we have to understand the Father also. The Father is infinite, with no beginning and no end. Therefore, his attributes are also infinite. His knowledge is infinite and, most important to us, his memory is infinite. We were created, and we have a beginning, but with a soul that shall exist forever. God is the creator of life, and if the angels shall not taste death or annihilation, then neither shall we, to say that our souls face an annihilation is not consistent with the nature of God as creator of life. We shall be "somewhere" for all time. A short time, (very short when you think about it) in the flesh, and then eternity either with God or banished from His presence. So let's go back to the Father's memory. The Father's memory is infinite, which means He will remember all things for all time. (He is actually not bound by time, but that is another blog post) So think about that,...