
Showing posts with the label Gender

Gender and naming

My  recent post about the alleged lack of naming after women and moms  inspired me to write two different articles on different aspects of  the conversation — one for Catholic Mom and one for Nameberry. Both are now up! Check out  Gender inequality in naming?  at Catholic Mom and  Why So Few Girl Juniors?  at Nameberry. I'd love to hear your thoughts on both articles, either in the comments for the articles themselves, or  on my blog !

Pope Francis: Love those who struggle, but don't push gender theory on kids

As I have been struggling to draw the fine line between mercy and truthful compány when adressing an homosexual person I want to share with you the best balanced advice I have found yet and it comes from the recent words of Pope Francis in this regard. Very clear and useful. taken entirely from CNA Catholic News Agency site:   Aboard the papal plane, Oct 2, 2016 / 03:55 pm ( CNA/EWTN News ) .- On his way back from Georgia and Azerbaijan Pope Francis criticized what he called the “wicked” push of gender theory in schools, but stressed that individuals who struggle with their sexual identity ought to be treated with mercy, as Jesus would do.

The beauty of women through Saint John Paul´s II eyes (Spanish) LA MUJER A TRAVÉS DE LOS OJOS DE SAN JUAN PABLO II EL GRANDE

Ya próxima la proclamación de Juan Pablo II como santo de la Iglesia Católica, ha llevado a muchos a recordar lo que este Papa dejo a millones de personas a lo largo y ancho del planeta. Con una personalidad de comunicador nato y una energía que lo impulso a recorrer el mundo para llevar el mensaje de Cristo, tuvo la gracia de hacer sentir a cada individuo el Amor personal de Dios. Fiel a las enseñanzas de Jesús y de su Iglesia,   Juan Pablo II dedico muchos de sus escritos, sermones, esfuerzos y preocupaciones a temas clave del siglo XX. Contrario a lo que muchos pueden pensar sobre la postura misógina de la Iglesia Católica, uno de los temas recurrentes en su Pontificado fue la mujer. Y esto lo podemos ver concentrado en uno de sus documentos que sigue siendo actual: Mulliréis Dignitatem Esta Carta Apostólica principia recogiendo los esfuerzos de la Iglesia desde tiempos Conciliares, y aun anteriores, por abordar el tema de la dignidad de la mujer , siempre subrayando la im...

Theology of the Body for Children, Part 2

Sooner than I expected, the gender-identity crisis has hit my family. A friend of my high school children recently announced that she occupies the wrong body. She is adopting a male name and look, and asks that everyone embrace the new identity. My children are struggling to respond. I was about to write that my children are  agonizing  over how to respond (which is true), but whatever confusion they are experiencing is nothing compared to the agony of their friend. A bright, talented young person, their friend has decided--at the age of eighteen--that her body is a mistake. Every conscious moment must be torture for her. Every time she moves, looks at herself, or speaks, she regrets having the "wrong" body. Please join me at Praying with Grace to get a glimpse of a new set of books for children (ages 4-7) that can help adults respond with love to gender issues.