Sexual Sins, A Real Deterrent to Heaven

As a Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Coordinator, I get a lot of questions about marriage, divorce and the need for annulments. Unlike some of our Protestant brethren, Catholics believe that marriage is a sacrament, instituted by God, at the dawn of mankind (Gen. 2:24) and reaffirmed by Christ (Matt 19:6). We also believe that it is a covenantal commitment between husband, wife and God, meant to last for a lifetime. In that covenantal relationship, God blesses the union of man and woman, and seals it with an unbreakable marriage bond. Therefore, sexual sins, conducted outside of the marriage covenant, can be a real deterrent to getting to Heaven. Purposes and Properties of Marriage Based upon the Catholic understanding of marriage, Catholics see two purposes of marriage: Read more...