Laziness Will Hamper You; Doubts, the Seeds of Laziness

We continue with the sixth installment of our seven-part series on the seven deadly sins. Today we discuss Laziness (also known as sloth). Everyone has goals in life; things that you want to accomplish. Whether it be obtaining a new house, or new career, spiritual growth or mastering some skill; nothing comes easily without hard work and effort. Laziness will hamper your ability to achieve your goals because it robs you of clear focus and purpose. You begin to doubt that what you want is achievable, so why try? Allowing doubts to take root is the underlying cause for laziness. Doubts come from the devil! He doesn’t want you to think that improving your lot in life is worth the effort, because he tells you that you are worthless. You begin to believe the devil’s lies and before you know it, laziness has settled into your life. Once laziness takes root in your life, you “refuse the joy... Read more...