
Showing posts with the label Andy LaVallee

From the Hub to the Heart

I am pleased  Ellen Gable Hrkach of Full Quiver Publishing   asked me to be part of a book-launch blog tour for  Andy LaVallee’s  book,   From the Hub to the Heart.  His new book  tells of a journey from “fast living to living the fast”. Although I have not read it yet, I can’t wait because  the reviews are fantastic. Others on this blog tour, who have read his book, love Andy’s warm, personal voice. They are riveted by his dramatic conversion and the power of both the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary in his life. Andrew LaVallee lived the fast life.A man of extremes, LaVallee grew up in a tough neighborhood and he drank, swore and gambled his way through most of his adult life. He achieved financial and worldly success in his bakery distribution business.  After his conversion, LaVallee embraced the Catholic faith of his youth and felt God calling him to promote fasting.,... continue reading