Stirring Slumbering Souls, by Michael Seagriff - Book Review

Stirring Slumbering Souls is a compilation of 250 quotes, selectively chosen by Michael Seagriff, to promote Eucharistic Adoration of Jesus Christ, in the Most Blessed Sacrament. In this stirring book, Seagriff holds nothing back! The stellar quotes selected, come from the giants of the Saints. We read the thoughts of such greats as Catherine of Siena, John Chrysostom, Maria Faustina Kowalska, Francis de Sales, Alphonsus di Liguori, Popes John XXIII and John Paul II. Let’s not leave out Saints Maximilian Kolbe, Catherine Laboure, Margaret Mary Alacoque, Padre Pio, Bishop Fulton Sheen, Teresa of Avila and John Vianney. But, Seagriff doesn’t stop there! He quotes some gems from holy people living today. Lending their voices are Pope Benedict XVI, Peter Kreeft, and Bishop James Conley, to name a few. The list is exhaustive, and the quality of quotes is truly inspirational. Seagriff compiled a list, that when read together in one book, tell us one thing. Whether it... Read...