Calvary Road - Journey from Judaism to Calvary - Book Review

Calvary Road , by Marty Barrack, is an interesting memoir/conversion story of Barrack’s conversion from Judaism to Catholicism. Roughly, the first 60% of the book is a memoir of Barrack’s life. We read about Barrack growing up in New York City and meeting the love of his life, Irene. We learn about Barrack’s profession as a Customs officer. Very little touches on Barrack’s faith. I must admit, as I was reading the book, I kept questioning, “When do we get to the conversion part?” With the title, Calvary Road , I expected more conversion and less memoir. However, when I reached page 220, the conversion part kicked into high gear! From that point on, it was a page-turner. Once I came upon the conversion part, I understood why Barrack spent the first 60% of the book on his memoir. It is through Barrack’s memoir, that we see where God was at work in Barrack’s life, unbeknownst to Barrack. God placed him where he needed to be to experience his conversion. We see Bar...