
Showing posts with the label demonic

"(You're)..too late." The Hospice

Today in prayer I asked God to send me to where there was the blackest of heart that needed prayer. I was inspired to go to a local Hospice.  I went into the building, not sure if I was in the right place, and finding the directory, I found where I needed to be.  Coming out of the elevators, I saw a chair and sat down.  To my right what looked like a sheriff standing guard outside one of the rooms.  There was a middle aged woman talking to him.  It was obvious that something very serious was happening in that room. ... TO READ MORE...CLICK HERE. 

"They Fear You."

Recently I was contacted by a young man who said he was very scared because he was experiencing demonic oppression.  He sounded terrified and didn't understand what was happening or what to do about it.   Now, normally we are called to be sceptical and not see the devil under every bush, but something about this young man's genuine fear pulled me more to belief than not.  I know that he could have had mental issues, or been just someone craving attention, but what he told me he was experiencing would dispel both of those theories.  TO READ MORE...CLICK HERE!

Suicidal Man.

There is a young man who just sent me an email that says he is ready to commit suicide.  I don't know him where he is, all I have is an email address.   What he described in email could be from a demonic influence. PLEASE PRAY YOUR ROSARIES FOR HIM!! Matthew C.