Helping Kids Discern a Vocation

(Excerpt is reprinted with permission from All Things Guy: A Guide to Becoming a Man that Matters) Have you ever been in a religion class or in Church and Father asks you to think about a vocation? Do you get the feeling you want to crawl in a hole and disappear, fearing he will ask you to become a priest? A vocation is a call from God. It’s not merely a career choice. Everyone, everyone, everyone has a calling from God! The word vocation refers to three different things: 1. Vocation comes with baptism. It’s a call to know, love and serve God in your life. 2. Vocation also means, “state in life,” such as priesthood, religious life, marriage or single life. 3. Vocation also means a personal relationship you have with Jesus. It’s you, yourself, trying to know, love, and serve God. read more here