Columban Fr William Carrigan RIP

Fr William Carrigan 18 July 1933 - 21 May 2022 The funeral took place today in his native Conahy, County Kilkenny, Ireland, of Fr William Carrigan. He died last Saturday after an illness of only a few weeks. Father Billy spent 45 years in parish, work in Mindanao, Philippines where he showed an extraordinary love for persons, especially children, with little or nothing in life. You will find a short obituary of Father Billy on the website of the Columbans in Ireland here . In his retirement years in Ireland Father Billy served the Filipino community in County Kilkenny and surrounding counties. Many of these attended his wake and his funeral Mass. They also started the traditional Filipino novena for the dead, celebrated in the home of the deceased. At the Our Father in the Mass they surrounded his coffin and sang it in Cebuano Visayan, Amahan Namo . Amahan Namo (Our Father) St Colman's Church, Conahy, County Kilkenny [Photo: National Inventory of Architectural H...