Aggressiveness and Arrogance - Not! Seek Gentleness!

When someone seems aggressive or arrogant don’t you want to run away as soon as possible? Aggressiveness and arrogance are unseemly; definitely not traits that draw people closer. So why are so many people aggressive and arrogant? If you’ve ever been told that you come on too strong, then the virtue that you want to practice is gentleness. For when we seek gentleness, our entire disposition changes for the better. Seek Gentleness Gentleness is not only a fruit of the Spirit, but also the state of possessing a kind, amiable, mild-tempered nature, where one judges conscience by reason rather than by passion. Gentleness calls us to be prudent in forming judgments logically, rather than impulsively. Now, doesn’t that sound like a persona that you would be attracted to, rather than someone who is aggressive or arrogant? We could use more gentle spirits in our society today. Seeking gentleness within our own spirits is... Read more...