My Oak Tree and Its Travels
A happy memory from our time on Buford Avenue in the early 1960s — I talked about that a couple weeks back 1 — is planting an acorn from one of the oaks there. An Acorn and Memories Among the many things I don't remember from that time is when we planted it. I suspect it was in the fall, since that's apparently a good season for starting an oak seedling. 2 And by spring; well, life was getting interesting, and that's another topic. Now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure we planted the acorn after we returned to Moorhead. Seasons Whatever season it was, I remember being happy when the acorn sprouted: and impressed at the size of the leaf. A full-size oak leaf on a tiny stem. My oak flourished in the back yard of 818. 3 Time passed.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America . (Happy memories involving an acorn, two trees, three homes, and a library. Legacies and a few thoughts about trees, the Sixties, and all that.)